Commercial Insurance

Your Business is an Investment That Deserves Quality Insurance Protection

Most commercial businesses need multiple types of insurance to protect them. Many can benefit from what’s known as a BOP – a Business Owner’s Policy. This a policy that covers liability, property and business income insurance under a single policy. It’s just one of the many offerings for small business that you’ll find with YourCompanyName.

Liability insurance for businesses is not required under Tennessee law. However, businesses are still at risk if they are sued in a liability case, so it makes sense to purchase coverage to protect your business. We also offer commercial auto insurance in case you provide company vehicles for employees, or if deliveries are a part of your business model. Also keep in mind that workers compensation insurance is required for Tennessee businesses with 5 or more employees. We also carry a range of additional business protection insurance types. Call today for details and a free quote!

Affordable Business Insurance to Protect Your Interests

YourCompanyName appreciates the value of that your business provides to the Nashville, TN area, no matter how large or small that business is. We understand the ins and outs of Tennessee liability laws and the amounts of coverage that businesses just like yours need. We hope you will turn to us for all your business insurance needs, and we’ll work to get you the best rates on a policy that provides you with reliable coverage.

Is Your Small Business Covered?

Business insurance helps you weather the ups and downs of the economy and protects you through every season.

Get Started

Every small business has individual insurance needs depending on its nature. That’s why we treat every commercial business client with extra care, to ensure that you’re covered properly for unexpected events. Illness, a downturn in the economy, a frivolous lawsuit, property damage in a fire and more can be covered with the right policy from YourCompanyName. Call for an appointment and a free quote.

General Liability

General liability insurance for your business is a good idea in Tennessee. Commercial liability insurance helps to cover the costs of liability claims made against your business. Think of the traditional “slip and fall” accident on a business property, in which someone is injured, and the policy covers their costs.

Workers’ Compensation

State law requires Tennessee businesses with 5 or more employees to carry workers compensation insurance. Some business types are exempt, while others require workers comp if they have just one part-time employee (such as coal mining businesses. Talk with our staff if you need workers comp insurance.

Commercial Auto

If your business uses company-owned vehicles in any way, commercial auto insurance is a must. This protects not only the vehicles, but also the employees driving them. Business auto insurance also protects the business from liability if an employee causes an accident in the line of work while driving your vehicle.

Business Umbrella

While general liability insurance is sufficient for many types, there are others where additional coverage is a wise idea. In industries where medical or legal expenses could easily dwarf general liability, commercial umbrella insurance provides an extra cushion so that your business can survive a major liability lawsuit.

Contractor’s Liability

Independent contractors are business owners too, even if you are a sole proprietorship. Contractor’s liability protects you financially in the event of an injury, property damage or other types of injuries (including advertising injury) if the need arises. Call for a free insurance quote if you’re a contractor or sole proprietor.

Income Protection

If your business sustains damage from a fire, windstorm or flooding, you will lose income while the business is shut down for repairs. Business income insurance helps to cover costs as you are rebuilding and getting back on your feet. Coverage can include lost income, actual loss, time for restoration and more.

Course of Construction

Also known as “builder’s risk insurance,” this is a type of protection for the construction industry. Every construction project is unique, and so are the different types of builder’s risk insurance. If you have a construction build coming up, contact our office to talk about a policy to cover your risks over the project’s duration.

Apartment Building

Insurance for an apartment complex is a specialized type of business insurance. Apartment buildings can face added risks due to the number of people living in the building — and you don’t always know if some of them are engaged in risky behaviors. This insurance covers a variety of risks, from lost rental income to broken pipes.

Investment Property

If you own a home that rent out to others as an investment property, you’ll want to talk with YourCompanyName’s experts about property insurance. Also known as a landlord policy, this can protect your investment as well as liability or losses you can face as the owner. Call for a free quote on investment insurance.


Our Partnership Protects Your Business

Tennessee is a great place for business, and we are proud to be a part of the Nashville community. No matter what type of business you operate, it’s important to think of it as an investment for the future. And commercial insurance is the safety net that ensures the longevity of your business. Our team of experience insurance agents at YourCompanyName loves working with business owners to provide them with a customized insurance plan. We want you to have the right amount of insurance, covering the proper eventualities that come as part of doing business in the 21st century. When you speak with one of our agents, they will have plenty of questions to determine the different types of risks that you may not even be aware of. Contact us today for a free assessment and quote for business insurance.

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